Knock! Knock! Who’s there? Our Humorous collection.
We absolutely love a good joke or funny saying or stories that make us laugh.
And you should too! Why?
Laughter is fun, and it’s good medicine.
There are tons of health benefits to laughter, like decreased stress and temporary pain relief. And people like people who can laugh a whole lot more than those who are serious or rigid; like, 1,000 times more.
Even if something doesn’t make you laugh, if you at can least smile you are considered in the fun category and some of laughter’s health benefits rubs off on your too.
That’s why we have a Humorous collection of I AM Pillows. We want to encourage you to laugh or at least remind you to smile as often as possible, even after one of those days.
Our pillows are smiling at you all the time, and we want you to smile back. So make somebody happy today with an I AM Pillow.
A humorous collection of pillows from I AM Pillows.
Thank you, ha-ha, and good night.